Home Health How Metabolism And Weight Are Interconnected

How Metabolism And Weight Are Interconnected

How Metabolism And Weight Are Interconnected

How Metabolism And Weight Are Interconnected: This article gives information about how the weight loss and gain process closely connected to metabolism. May this information helps you a lot and blow up your mind.

There are some questions we put up in our mind for metabolism such as Slow metabolism blames obesity, but what does it mean? Is it metabolism? If so, can you boost your metabolism to burn more calories?

True, metabolism and weight are linked. A popular belief that slow metabolism rarely leads to weight gain.

Obesity is determined by how much you eat and drink, as well as how much you exercise.

How Metabolism And Weight Are Interconnected


Metabolism Helping In Converting Food Into Energy

Metabolism is the process of turning food and drinks into energy. Calories from food and beverages are combined with oxygen to produce the energy your body requires to function.

At rest, our body needs energy to perform “hidden” functions like breathing, blood circulation, hormone regulation, and cell growth and repair.

Body metabolic rate is the no. of calories our body uses to carry out these essential functions.

Metabolism Base On Some Factors:

Size And Shape 

People who has larger and more muscular people burn more calories even at rest.


Men burn more calories than women of the same age and weight because they have less fat and more muscle.


When we are growing in age, our muscle mass decreases and our fat mass increases, slowing calorie burn.

The energy requirements for your body’s essential functions are relatively constant.

Two Factors Shows Calories Burns Per Day:

Refining food 

It takes calories to digest, absorb, transport, and store food—about 10% of the calories from carbohydrates and protein used in digestion and absorption.


Regular physical activity and exercise — such as tennis, walking to the store, chasing after the dog — help your body burn off the rest of the calories. Physical activity is the most variable factor affecting daily calorie burn.

Nonexercise activity thermogenesis is what scientists call daily non-exercise activity (NEAT). It includes moving from room to room, gardening, and even fidgeting. NEAT accounts for 100-800 daily calories.

Metabolism And Weight

It’s easy to blame metabolism for weight gain. As it is a natural process and your body has many mechanisms to regulate it.

A slowing metabolism, such as Cushing’s syndrome or an underactive thyroid gland. It causes excessive weight gain in rare cases (hypothyroidism).

Sadly, gaining weight is a complex process. It’s probably a mix of genetics, hormones, diet, and lifestyle factors like sleep, exercise, and stress.

All of these factors cause an energy imbalance. You gain weight when you consume more calories than you expend.

Some people seem to lose weight faster and easier than others, but everyone loses weight when they burn more calories than they consume.

For losing weight, we need to create an energy deficit by either eating less or exercising more.

Examining Physical Activity And Metabolism

While you can’t control your basal metabolism, you can control how many calories you burn by increasing your physical activity. More activity burns more calories.

Many people who have a fast metabolism are more active — and perhaps fidgetier than others.

Aerobic exercise includes activities like walking, cycling, and swimming. Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity per day.

To lose weight or aim for specific fitness goals, we may need to increase your physical activity time.

If you can’t get a longer workout in, try 10-minute bursts throughout the day. Remember, the benefits increase with activity.

Experts advise strength training twice a week, such as weightlifting. Strength training is vital for muscle growth and burns more calories than fat.

Every little bit helps. Find ways to walk or move for a few minutes longer each day.

To burn more calories, take the stairs more often and park farther away from the store. Gardening, car washing, and housework all burn calories and help you lose weight.

No Magic Wand

Don’t rely on dietary supplements to burn calories or lose weight. These products are often more hype than helpful, and some may cause unwanted or even dangerous side effects.

The FDA does not require any dietary supplement manufacturers to prove their products are safe or effective, so use caution. Always inform your doctor about supplements.

Nobody can lose weight quickly. Physical activity and diet remain the cornerstones of weight loss. Intake less than expenditure, and you lose weight.

A weekly weight loss of 1 to 1.5 pounds (0.5 to 0.7 kilogrammes) recommends by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Adding physical activity to your day will help to lose weight faster.

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