Home News Federal Holiday | Senate Declares Juneteenth A Federal Holiday

Federal Holiday | Senate Declares Juneteenth A Federal Holiday

Federal Holiday | Senate Declares Juneteenth A Federal Holiday

Federal Holiday | Senate Declares Juneteenth A Federal Holiday: The United States Senate passed legislation designating June 19, also known as “Juneteenth,” as an official holiday. It approves by unanimous consent, without the need for a roll call vote or any opposition from the chamber.

Federal Holiday | Senate Declares Juneteenth A Federal Holiday


Approval Of Bill

The “Juneteenth National Independence Day Act” is head by the House of Representatives for consideration. Also, it is expecting to pass and signs into law by President Joe Biden on June 19, which will observe as the anniversary of the day of enslaving people in Galveston, Texas, discovering. President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation freed enslaved African Americans in rebel states two and a half years earlier. Thus, the day is known as Emancipation Day or Freedom Day in some circles.

Juneteenth is a federal holiday, and Democratic Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey, Democratic Minnesota Senator Tina Smith, Democratic New Jersey Senator Cory Booker. Also, Democratic Texas Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee re-introduced the bill in February to make it a federal holiday.

Markey first introduced the bill in June of last year, following the high-profile killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. These were Black people who were killed by police or armed white citizens and other high-profile killings. Unfortunately, the bill for 2020 did not make it to the floor for a vote.

Why Senate Bill Pass?

Markey stated in a statement that the United States has failed to acknowledge the address. As well as come to terms with our nation’s original sin of slavery.

On Tuesday, the Senate passed a resolution designating June 19. Juneteenth National Independence Day. A US holiday is celebrating the end of slavery in the country.

Since the Black Lives Matter protests following George Floyd’s killing, and the Democrats’ gains in the White House and Congress, the legislation has gained traction.

He blocked the bill in 2020, saying that the day off for federal employees. That would cost US taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. Despite his concerns, Johnson dropped his objection, allowing the bill to pass in the Senate.

Though I strongly support celebrating Emancipation, I make a statement expressing my objections. The fact that taxpayers compel for giving federal employees pays time off to celebrate the end of slavery. It shows that lawmakers have no desire to discuss the matter further.

Moreover, To become law, the measure must approve by the House and signed by President Joe Biden.

President Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery in the United States on June 19, 1865, in Galveston, Texas.

Juneteenth became a state holiday in 1980. The states that currently observe Juneteenth only do so as a paid holiday.

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