Deppression | Migrants depression in US shelters: According to 17 testimonies submitted in court on Monday, migrant children sent to an urgent shelter in the USA described crowded living conditions, spoiled food, lack of clean clothes, and fighting against depression.
Deppression | Migrants deppression in US shelters
Emergency Shelters
They, from nine to 17 years of age and mainly from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, some of these children talked about waiting months in US government-controlled emergency shelters in their struggles, including problems sleeping in the light of day and infrequent telephone calls.
Hence the testimonials give a detailed look at US President Joe Biden’s conditions in motion within a network of emergency shelters to tackle a rapidly increased number of unaccompanied migrant children arriving on the border between the United States and Mexico.
In recent months, as part of their efforts to connect them with family or other US sponsor families, children have been sent more quickly from crowded Border Patrol stations and into emergency shelters.
Testimonies of Children
The testimonies of the children, recorded between March and early June, suggest that the Biden Administration promises an approach to immigration that is more humane.
Hence currently, about 14.500 children are care for by the US. Health and Human Services Department (HHS). HHS was not available for comment immediately.
Hence in an emergency shelter in El Paso in Texas, a thirteen-year-old girl from Honduras tells her that she has been put on a suicide watch list.
On June 4, she separates from her father at the facility for almost two months when she crosses the river in the US.
“Here’s awful food,” she wrote. “We got hamburgers yesterday, but I couldn’t eat that because there was a foul smell from the bread… I eat popsicles and juice because I can only trust that food.”
Depression Of Children
A 14-year-old girl from Guatemala detained in a Houston emergency in April says she is boiling and often thirsty. She saw eight girls weary from the heat and moisture, she said, and they were taken to a nearby hospital by staff. Hence the girls ran out of water, they said they had to drink expired milk.
In Fort Bliss, in a large white tent with around three hundred girls, a 17-year-old girl from Guatemala described her sleeping on each other’s cots. According to a statement dated April 28. She says it was hard to sleep due to the rattling noise made by the tent’s metal beams at night. It was cold, and dirt entered the tent, she said.
The girl said she couldn’t get information about her case, and she had struggled to have a counselor appointment to discuss her depression.
She said, “Many of the girls weep much here. “Many of you end up talking to someone because you think you are cutting yourself off.”
A 17-year-old Honduran teenager says he sleeps in the Dallas Convention Centre, in a large area, where 2,600 children are present.
In a declaration of March 29, the teen said: “The numbers of people around me asphyxiate me.
“I can’t talk to anybody here about my case. I can talk to nobody here if I feel sad, too. Nobody is here. I’m only talking to God. I cry, and it helps me. If I could have a Bible, it would help.”