Home Health Can Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight | How You Should Know

Can Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight | How You Should Know

Can Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight | How You Should Know

Can Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight | How You Should Know: If there is a secret to a healthy body of a “holy grail,” drink lots of water. Water accounts for up to 60% of our bodies and is essential, from waste washing to body temperature control.
Our systems are incredibly reliant on water, like all cells, body compartments. Just as bodily fluids (for example, blood) have some amount of water, explains Albert Do, MD, MPH, a gastroenterologist and clinical head of Yale Medicine’s fatty liver program in New Haven, Connecticut. He continues, “Our kidneys are excellent at controlling the amount of water in our bodies.

They produce more urine during periods of increased water intake and less pee during decreased water consumption.” However, the body is more susceptible to states of dehydration and is often incapable of surviving longer than a week without water.
Apart from keeping you alive by assisting your internal systems in functioning correctly (which is the primary benefit of staying hydrated! ), water can also help you maintain a healthy weight. However, it is not as straightforward as water in, weight out what you need to know about water’s potential to aid in weight loss or maintenance.

Can Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight | How You Should Know

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What Is The Weight-Loss Scientific Evidence?

There is some scientific evidence that water can aid with weight loss in a variety of ways. Dr. Do adds that it is “uncertain” if consuming water results in weight loss, but the two may indirectly associate.

Cynthia Sass, MPH, RDN, a Los Angeles-based board-certified specialist in sports dietetics, emphasizes. Water is only one component of the weight-loss equation; however, because water is required for all bodily processes — including healthy circulation, digestion, and waste removal – drinking enough water promotes health in other ways”, she continues.

More Water Consumed Means Less Food Consumed

In October 2018, a minor study was discovered published in Clinical Nutrition Research. That drinking water before meals helped naturally lower calorie consumption, which may aid in weight management. Subjects who drank one and a quarter cups of water before a meal ate, unlike those who drank or drank the same quantity afterward.

 This study enrolled just 15 people, all of whom were between the ages of 20 and 30, indicating the need for more extensive, more diverse investigations.

“In other words, drinking water before or with food may result in a decrease in the amount of food taken, resulting in weight loss,” Do explains. “Drinking water an hour before eating a meal may give hormonal signals of fullness time to take effect, resulting in decreased hunger during the meal.”

Additionally, he observes that boosting fiber consumption before meals or choosing for many smaller snacks Similarly; A similar effect may occur when eating smaller meals all day long (instead of three massive meals).

Increased Water Consumption May Aid in Metabolism Acceleration

A June 2016 Study in Frontiers in Nutrition showed an increase in water consumption through increasing lipolysis, which led to decreased weight through ‘less eating’ (the breakdown of fats and other lipids by hydrolysis to release fatty acids).

“Research indicates drinking water can assist in revving up the metabolism, and though the effect may be subtle at first, it might snowball into a stronger effect over time,” Sass adds.

What Is The Best Water Intake For Weight Loss?

According to Do, there is no suggested amount of water for weight loss. Because the link between the two has not been scientifically established. However, he advises the following guidelines from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to “keep hydration balance”: Men should consume 15.5 cups (3.7 liters or 124 ounces), and women should drink 11.5 cups (2.7 liters or 92 ounces). It includes water and bodily fluids, he explains.

What Is The Perfect Time To Drink Water?

When it comes to the optimal time to consume water for weight loss, before meals may help curb your appetite and prevent overeating. Additionally, because water aids in digestion, consider drinking some following a meal. Sass, on the other hand, advocates spreading your water consumption throughout the day.

Additionally, certain beverages include substances — such as caffeine — that encourage the creation of urine, as Do points out. In other words, they have the inverse effect, dehydrating the body. 

While switching to decaf is unnecessary for hydration purposes, he advocates recognizing when increased water intake should be considered — for example, when exposed to hot weather or physical exercise — and rehydrating accordingly.

How to Increase your Water Consumption

As with other healthy lifestyle activities, do indicates that including water breaks into your daily routine will help you stay on track. It may entail associating water consumption with existing practices. For example, “drink a cup of water,” or make a recall after brushing your teeth at night.

You can also boost your consumption of water-containing food. The Mayo Clinic notes that many fruits and vegetables contain a significant amount of water. They are highlighting watermelon and spinach as two foods that contain nearly 100% water.

Sass recommends carrying a water bottle and setting reminders on your phone to remind you to drink. Additionally, you can enlist the assistance of an intelligent water bottle. Such as HidrateSpark, which calculates the amount of water you need to drink and tracks your consumption.

Finally, Sass proposes infusing water with flavor to entice you to drink it. If you’re not a pure water lover, it offers you add healthful foods, like lemon or lime, fresh mint, sliced cucumber, excellent ginger, or lightly pulverized seasonal fruit.

Do Other Dietary Water Sources Help You Remove Kgs?

Foods are rich in water — such as sauerkraut, freshwater, mollusks, fish, oranges, cucumber. According to Sass, even yogurt and cottage cheese can account for approximately 20% of your total fluid intake. 

Nonetheless, calculating water intake from dietary sources can be challenging. “Because water is present in all foods [to varying degrees], it can be challenging to determine how much water one consumes daily,” Do explains.

You also need to look at the nutritional value of every food – calories, carbs, and protein grams – and their impact on your overall diet if you seek to lower weight.

Is Water Fasting In Weight Loss Tested?

Water fasting is a sort of fasting in which only water is consumed. Sass opposes the practice, particularly “on your own, without complete medical supervision.” (In some instances, your physician may recommend fasting temporarily before medical treatment. Such as a colonoscopy or for blood testing.)

Bear in mind that most liquid-based fasts and cleanses, including water fasting, may result in temporary weight reduction. However, there is little to no scientific proof that this eating regimen can result in long-term weight loss. And, while transient weight loss may be the sole possible “benefit,” the “con” list is lengthy.

 What are some of the potential health consequences? Kidney damage, nutritional inadequacies, fainting, brain fog, exhaustion, and hormonal imbalances in women make notes.

Finally, Regarding Hydration And Weight,

If you think you can lose weight by drinking water, it’s proved. This water is crucial for our overall health; we need it to survive, after all. While drinking water can indirectly aid in weight loss by lowering caloric intake and increasing metabolism. You cannot simply sip your way to a smaller number on the scale.

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